In this video, the difference between brain death and similar states of coma and plant life is compared. Unlike a coma, there is no way for a person who has died of brain death due to brain death to recover. Therefore, with the timely consent of the relatives of the brain dead person to donate his/her organs, the lives of several people can be saved. But in a coma, organ donation does not make sense because the brain has not died and can return. The symptoms of these two conditions are different and can be easily distinguished by specialist doctors. Unfortunately, many relatives of the brain dead person due to lack of necessary knowledge think that their loved one will return like a comatose person, but it is a misconception! Due to the toxins caused by brain death, in a few weeks, the complete death of the person will lead to brain death, and if they do not agree to donate an organ, the lives of needy patients will not be saved from death!
Anyone with brain death can resuscitate eight people. In brain death accidents, the lung is the first organ to be destroyed and a lung transplant requires special expertise, but the rest of the body, including the heart, kidneys, liver, etc., can be transplanted. Organ transplantation is the only way to survive for patients with advanced heart failure, liver, etc.
More than one million people worldwide are currently receiving organ transplant treatment, and some of these patients have survived for more than twenty five years. Meanwhile, the golden period for organ transplantation is only a few days, an issue that does not have an organ donation card after obtaining organ donation consent from families who have died of brain death. Organ donation is difficult for coordinating members. In many cases, families do not easily consent to donating an organ, and the process of obtaining consent from them takes up to four days, during which time the golden time for donating some vital organs, including the lungs, is lost.
Organ donation is a multifaceted category that requires different individuals and organizations to enter to improve the culture in this field. Officials, NGOs, charities, artists and other influential people in the community play an important role in creating a culture of organ donation.
The organ donation card that people apply for is not legal in Iran, it is the consent of the parents that determines the organ donation of the brain dead person. But experience has shown that after a person dies of brain damage, when the organ donation card is shown to his family, the family will surely comply with his request.
In our country, the Ministry of Health is taking action to donate an organ with a address. has created a field where people interested in receiving an organ donor card can easily receive it by filling out an online form. After filling out the online form, the organ donor card comes up and people can take a print of it and take this card with them without the need to go to a special office.